There’s No Place Like Home

Bottom line: Missionaries need to hear from you!

 I know it is abstract to spend time thinking about your friends, your church members, or the lady down the street who moved off to another country to do mission work. People move all the time from our visual circle of life. Our lives move on. Been there, done that.

It is different for missionaries. We moved away as an extension of YOU to do the work God has called US CHRISTIANS to do: love on others. You are our teammates. Visible teammates are a lot more encouraging than invisible ones. Therefore, we desire for YOU to be a part of the process to care about what WE BOTH are doing. We need you to cheer alongside us, grieve with us, and stand in awe at what God can do.  Right now, I know that is only conjugating Spanish verbs, but I promise…God has more in store!

Our desire is more than just for you to be a part of our work. We really need you to be a part of our lives. Let me stop this “we” business. I need you. I feel really vulnerable out here. I’ve never done anything like this “move to a foreign country” deal before in my whole life. I’ve never had everything I have ever known swept out from under my feet, including English, the use of the American dollar, and access to a car. Most days, I feel incredibly happy. But culture shock hits and I look around and recognize NOTHING! My mind wanders to “home” and then I feel deep unrest. Do I have a “home”? I don’t. I don’t have a physical place any longer that feels like home.

What I have is you. I have you from my old life that has shared memories, swapped tears, and had giggle fits with me. Or you may be an acquaintance or stranger capable of relating to me in a different way. You’d be shocked at how deeply touching it is to have somebody who does not know me well choose to love on me. You all are my home. And yet, I can’t see you? How I long to see you!

I think we all know the deeper truth here. WE ARE foreigners on this Earth. WE WILL feel like outsiders. We only have ONE true home, and that is with Christ. I have a feeling I will learn this on a whole new level the next few years. This truth does not negate the fact that God has gifted us with each other, fellow Christians. What a treasure to be able to encourage each other along the way!

Please consider blessing your teammates in another country who need the comfort of “home”.  Be our “home”.

 Here are some simple and FREE ideas below:

1)   Hit “like” on Facebook when you see us write a post.

2)   Read our newsletter or blog.

3)    Hit “reply” to that e-newsletter or blog and leave a one-line message of encouragement.

4)    Send free imessage texts on random topics. The more random the more like real people we feel.

5)    Facetime or Skype us to chat for 10 minutes about nothing important.

6)    Send updates on your life.

7)    Let us know EVERY TIME you pray for us. One-liners are plenty!

8)    Send physical mail. It’ll cost you around $1.20. CRAZY exciting for us!

9)    Remember our birthdays and anniversary.

10)  Send Christmas cards/updates.

11)  Send a surprise donation to us. (oh wait! This one isn’t free…but it’s good!)

There really is no place like home.  🙂

7 thoughts on “There’s No Place Like Home

  1. Oh, sweet lady, how I long to feel your pain! 🙂
    I prayed for you this morning and the morning before and the morning before…. Hope to be praying for you in Ecuador while I am in South Africa. Blessings to you and yours!

  2. I feel like a foreigner on this earth a lot…as I am always searching for that perfect state, that perfect town, that perfect balance between rural and suburbia, where I will feel at-home and feel like I’m where I’m meant to be. No surprise, I haven’t found it yet! And certainly no place I can afford! I can’t imagine how foreign you guys feel as actual real-deal foreigners!! God bless your family. We’ll be staying in touch. : )

  3. I would fall under the stranger category. Not sure where I got your blog but u r hilarious. Maybe u know the Gnuse fam. I was in Costa Rica almost two years ago when they were there planning their big launch. I am a Spanish teacher and go on short term missions in the summers. I just went to cuba at spring break. Anyway, persevere and keep writing. It keeps me laughing!

  4. So lucky to call you sister and friend! I carry you and the fam close to my heart. I love you dearly can’t wait to be there with you!!!

  5. Thank you all for your encouragement! I have been flooded with love tonight via every technology available to me. And it was the exact medicine I needed. I haven’t cried in like 3 1/2 hours…a victory this week! I also appreciate that I can share raw emotions with my readers. It may not be funny. It may not be interesting. It may not have the perspective of somebody who has already worked through all their emotions, overflowing with wisdom. It is just me, right here, right now wading through life as a missionary. Thank you for that being enough.

  6. One fish, two fish, red fish, blue
    There isn’t anything that you can’t do,
    God will always see you through,
    Because you are an amazing YOU!

    I am in complete awe of your courage, your calling, your faith, your wit, your openness, your selflessness… I may have been your teacher once, but I am learning so much through your experiences and sharings. God bless you everyday in every way is my daily prayer for you and your family.

  7. So glad I took the time to read this! And thanks for sharing and helping us be better family:)
    No excuses…love to you and prayers for you all as I hit the hay in East Texas<3

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